Homeowners Guide

The guide contains general information about the Copper Tree Condominium Association, clarifications of the CC&Rs adopted March 2019, the Bylaws adopted March 2019, and the Rules and Regulations (R&R) adopted February 2024. If there is any conflict between the Homeowners Guide and the source documents, the source documents take precedence.

This Guide was created to translate the sometimes hard to read/understand the language in the “legal” documents to a guide that is more succinct and maybe a little easier to understand.  

The Guide has been adapted with the intent of providing the residents of Copper Tree with a practical plan for day-to-day living. A successful community of owners exhibit a pride of home ownership and share a common vision as to what constitutes a desirable neighborhood. The goal is to maintain the property values and to provide the residents with specific information to promote common sense and courtesy in the members actions and attitudes. They are not meant to limit conduct, but rather to protect the common interest in the property, to provide an avenue of relief for problems, and to serve as guidelines for effective operation of the buildings. It is important to remember that in a condominium community, such as Copper Tree, each member must protect and regard the rights of all other owners and residents to a quiet and peaceful home.

We are living in close association with our fellow residents and common courtesy dictates that our actions do not infringe on the rights of other residents. The Homeowner’s Guide is designed to ensure that each of us achieves the maximum enjoyment of our homes. Each member of the community, whether owner, tenant, or guest, must abide by the standards of the community and comply strictly with the Declarations (CC&Rs), Bylaws, and the Rules and Regulations to promote the harmony and cooperative purposes of the community. Each owner is fully responsible for the compliance of all family members, guests, tenants, and other occupants of the owner's home while they are within the Copper Tree Condominium boundaries.