Rules And Regulations

Copper Tree Rules and Regulations

This section goes into more detail than the FAQs, and is probably enough to satisfy most residents.  If even more information is required, please refer to the CC&Rs and Bylaws.  These documents may be found in the MyGreenCondo Document Library in the Governance Folder.  These topics are listed in alphabetical order.  

The terms “Common Elements” and “Limited Common Elements” are used throughout this document as well as the other legal documents. Basically the “Common Elements” are those elements that are owned (and maintained) by the association. These would include such items as the structural integrity of the unit, the roof, the driveways, the road, and the common landscaping.

“Limited Common Elements” are those areas that are within the owner’s control. They are very well defined in the CC&Rs and later in this document but can basically be considered that a homeowner would create and maintain, such as the enclosed backyards, the townhome upper decks, the enclosed entry points to the home, etc.

Archecture Control Committee (ACC)

The ACC is the Architecture Control Committee. Since Copper Tree falls under the MCCA (Mill Creek Community Association) guidelines and rules which govern and oversees exterior home appearance and exterior improvement projects, the MCCA ACC requires the Copper Tree Condominium Owners Association (COA), through the Copper Tree ACC, to monitor and approve the following prior to the application being presented to the MCCA ACC:

** = Must be approved through the Copper Tree landscape committee. This would also include common area landscaping and trees if, by prior agreement, the homeowner has assumed responsibility for landscaping and maintaining some of the common element near or adjacent to their unit.
A homeowner wishing to make any modification or revision to the exterior of their unit must first submit drawings and/or plans for approval to the CT-ACC by using a ARC/ARB Application in MyGreenCondo. The owner must also agree to take full responsibility for permits, fees, taxes, insurance, and future maintenance and repairs. All agreements state that there must be no adverse effect on neighbors or the building structure, and the revision must comply with the approved drawings and plans and must conform to the appearance of the balance of the condominium units. 

The Copper Tree ACC will review all requests by homeowners for additions, alterations, replacement windows, doors, etc., to their respective units. After the ACC has granted preliminary approval of the request the plans and, if required, the request will then be submitted to the Mill Creek Community Association and/or the Board of Directors for final review and approval. Any review and approval required for permits by the City of Mill Creek or any other permitting agency (including all utilities) must be provided by the homeowner.

All improvements including landscaping, windows, doors, screen doors, decking, patios, painting must be submitted to the ACC for approval. Commencing work prior to obtaining ACC approval is subject to a $100.00 fine and could include the removal of any improvements at the homeowner’s expense. The ACC has up to 30 days to respond to homeowner request after the request is logged into MyGreenCondo. If the homeowner does not receive a response within 30 days, the homeowner may proceed with improvements or changes without penalty.

You can send a message to the ACC from the MyGreenCondo Mail function or via the email address of

Bulletin Board

The COA provides the opportunity for homeowners to promote non- commercialized activities and functions that are geared for the benefit of the Copper Tree community. Mailbox Bulletin board is meant to be used by the Copper Tree Community for the Community. It is meant to publish information relevant to homeowners (e.g., annual picnic, COA meetings, luncheons). Only Copper Tree homeowners are authorized to post notices and/or announcements on the bulletin board and all postings need to be approved by a Board member. Notices may remain posted for up to two weeks and must not contain any language for offering services for a fee (unless the fee is for reimbursement or to cover the cost of the activity) or items for sale. The Board of Directors has the final approval of the appropriateness of the notice. No advertising outside of the community is to be posted on this Bulletin Board.

Collection Policy

Committees (awaiting approval by the Board).  

There are several committees that work with the Board of Directors and every homeowner is more than welcome to be a volunteer on one or more committee(s).

Residents may not simultaneously be members of multiple committees.  Board of Directors members cannot be members of a committee.  Residents from the same unit may be members of different committees, including the Board of Directors.  These restrictions do not apply to the Social Committee.  

Common Elements

The Common Elements are all portions of Copper Tree other than the Units and the Limited Common Elements. The COA is responsible for maintaining the Common Elements and the unit owner is responsible for maintaining their Limited Common Elements. Please see the Definition of Limited Common Elements and the Maintenance Responsibility Matrix for more detailed information.


The Board of Directors has the authority to enforce the Rules. Please notify the management company using MyGreenCondo if there is a problem at Copper Tree. The Board of Directors may delegate to the management company the authority to take rules enforcement action consistent with the enforcement procedures, including contacting violators to seek compliance, issuing warnings and assessing penalties.

Owners are responsible for the conduct of all members of their family or household, and for the conduct of their tenants and guests. Each homeowner and tenant is jointly and individually responsible for any damage done to the property of other owners by all the members of their family or household, their tenants and their guests. The homeowner may be penalized for violation of the rules. Penalties assessed against the homeowner shall be collected as delinquent assessments.


Contractors must abide by the Copper Tree Rules & Regulations. Their vehicles must not block driveway or entryway access to other units.


No work performed by either the Homeowner or a contractor, including contractors hired by the Association, either outside or inside the unit that creates any noise or vibration can commence earlier than 8 am on weekdays or 9 am on weekends and all work must cease by 6 pm.

Crawl Spaces

The COA is responsible for the drainage within the crawl space and the installation, if required, of sump pumps to control water intrusion into the crawl spaces. Power for the sump pump will be connected to the unit’s power supply and the homeowner is fully responsible for the cost of power.


The board of Directors have created email addresses for each of the positions on the board.  The easiest way to communicate to the board is to send a message via the My Inbox link in MyGreenCondo.  This will send the message to all the board members.  

In order to maintain consistency across board members, generic email accounts have been created to store communication as per the data retention guidelines.  


The decks on the townhomes (Units 11-29) have a fascia that needs to be maintained, inspected, and cleaned regularly, especially after winter and the spring rains. The Homeowner’s in those units are responsible for the cleaning and inspecting the membranes attached to their unit and noting any issue to SUHRCO.


The fine schedule for rule infractions or violations are determined by the Board of Directors and are as follows:

Fines are payable in full by the first of the following month from the date of notice.

The Homeowner has the right to seek resolution from the Board of Directors but the request for seeking such resolution must be made within one week of the original notice of non- compliance.

Fines and Fees

Neither the Copper Tree management company nor Copper Tree has a vehicle to charge the unit owner for fees or fines. This rule establishes the vehicle. The fines and/or fees shall be assessed against the Unit, and the Owner of the Unit, and shall be collected as any other assessment.


Every unit that has a wood burning fireplace or fire pit needs to understand the restrictions on where firewood can be stored. This also applies to fire pits and BBQ/Smokers. MCCA regulations require that firewood be screened from view and should not be stored in the home, garage, or in contact with the building or fence. Stack wood no closer than 8 inches from building or fence.


Unit Owners may display the flag of the United States, or the flag of Washington State, on or within a Unit or a Limited Common Element subject to reasonable restrictions adopted by the Board pertaining to the time, place, or manner of displaying the flag of the United States necessary to protect a substantial interest of the Association. Other decorative flags may be displayed in accordance with these Rules and Regulations as adopted by the Board.

Garage Sales

The MCCA does not allow garage sales with two exceptions: estate sales and the regularly scheduled MCCA garage sale events on the first Saturday of May and October.

Garbage Containers

See the Trash topic in this section.


The gates located in the back of Units 2, 3, 4, 35, 36, 40 and 41 are emergency access gates that need to be opened by residents on BOTH sides of the gate for emergency purposes and by vendors doing work for the COA. Thus, the gates must never be locked or blocked.


The Copper Tree insurance company, CAU, has restrictions on the use of grills (Charcoal, Gas, Electric, or Pellet) on the property. The restrictions, according to CAU are as follows:

  1. Charcoal Grills must be 15 feet away from any structure and are not permitted on the decks for units 11-29.
  2. Gas Grills must be 5 feet away from any structure and this includes fences.
  3. Electric Grills have no restrictions.
  4. Pellet Grills have no restrictions.
  5. The appropriate fire extinguisher needs to be readily available.

Copper Tree has some exceptions because of our long history with CAU and Copper Tree is ‘grandfathered in’ per our underwriter to have a little leniency with Gas, Electric, or Pellet grills with these guidelines:

  1. If the balconies have combustible flooring materials, then there must be a fireproof mat placed under the Gas, Electric, or Pellet grill.
  2. The Gas, Electric, or Pellet grill must be placed as far as possible from all wooden surfaces.
  3. If there are walls, railings, fences, membranes, etc. that show any signs of heat damage such as discoloration, warping, melting, etc. then the use of the Charcoal, Gas, Electric, or Pellet grill in that location must be stopped. Additionally, the unit owner is responsible for the repair and may be fined.
  4. There must be a fire extinguisher readily available to the Charcoal, Gas, Electric, or Pellet grill.
  5. The real catch here is the combustible flooring. Once a mat is installed and the fire extinguisher is made available, then the only problem will be watching out for signs of damage from the grilling using a Charcoal, Gas, Electric, or Pellet grill. Note that Charcoal grills are not permitted on the decks for units 11-29.
  6. Charcoal grills must be 15 feet away from any structure and are not permitted on the decks for units 11-29 even if on a combustible floor.

Copper Tree does not want a rate increase nor more restrictions regarding the use of grills. CAU is granting some leniency here, please observe the guidelines.

Holiday Decorations

Holiday light displays do not require an application. Residents may start installing winter holiday lights in November but cannot turn them on until Thanksgiving weekend. All winter holiday displays must be removed by January 31. Other holidays during the year may be celebrated with light displays installed two weeks before the holiday and removed two weeks after the holiday.

Homeowner Landscaping

The COA will install, maintain, and replace all landscaping plants and irrigation in the Common Area. If an owner wants to add landscaping to a Common Area, they may obtain written permission from the Board. Once permission has been received, the homeowner may install such landscaping, but the maintenance (including irrigation) and replacement shall be the responsibility of the homeowner, including subsequent homeowners, subject to written agreement with the Board of Directors that specifies responsibilities for planting, plant replacements, irrigation installation, maintenance, repairs, and usage of water. If a homeowner fails to maintain such landscape, it may be removed by the Board of Directors and the area maintained at the discretion of the Board. Such landscaping does not convert a Common Element to a Limited Common Element.
You can contact the Landscape Committee by using the My Inbox function of MyGreenCondo, or by emailing  


The COA insurance is provided by:
Community Association Underwriters of America
40 Lake Bellevue, Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98005

The policy runs from June 27thof one year through June 27th of the next, e.g., June 27th of 2023 through June 27th of 2024 and is updated annually.

A “Certificate of Insurance,” if needed, is available in the Document Library in MyGreenCondo.

Each owner must have their own insurance for the contents of the unit.

Landscape Debris

No dumping or disposal of any debris including, but not limited to, lawn clippings, shrub trimming, tree pruning, wood, plastic, metal, construction materials of any kinds, etc. over the embankment into the Mill Creek Community Association’s Private Nature Reserve. Please see Yard Waste below for more information.

Landscape Maintenance

Maintenance is supplied on Wednesdays for Common Element landscaping. The vendor, as a courtesy, will pick up your yard waste for free from your maintaining your Limited Common Element if in a yard waste bag that can be purchased at many different locations. Please see Yard Waste for more information.

Light Bulbs

The COA will either replace or supply light bulbs for COA supplied light fixtures. The COA uses one type of light bulb for a consistent look in Copper Tree. Use the Workorders option in MyGreenCondo to request a new light bulb.

Limited Common Element

The description of a Limited Common Element is more clearly explain in Definition of Limited Common Element by Unit.

The homeowner is responsible to maintain, at their expense, the Limited Common Elements as defined in the CC&Rs and in Maintenance Responsibility Matrix.

Limited Common Element Landscaping Maintenance

In order to establish a standard of landscaping maintenance for the Limited Common Elements, the Board of Directors has set the following guidelines to be used by the homeowners. By following these guidelines, it is hoped that the standards of gardening and landscaping that have made the COA outstanding in the community will be maintained:

Mail Delivery Issues

There have been some mail delivery issues at Copper Tree and all issues need to be addressed to the USPS Mill Creek using (425) 379-8698 and asking for a supervisor. Specifically, if you receive mail addressed to another street address or to another Copper Tree unit number then call the Mill Creek USPS and they will send someone out to pick up the mail piece and then they will deliver it to the correct address. This is the Mill Creek USPS policy to help correct delivery issues. Please do not place the mail on the bulletin board or deliver it to the proper unit or place it in the outgoing mail slot as this does not help in solving delivery issues. The mis-delivered mail piece can be left by your front door for USPS pickup.


As strange as this may seem, the company that supplied the Copper Tree mailboxes DOES NOT furnish the blank keys to the big box stores, aka Home Depot, Lowes, etc. The smaller independent hardware stores like Ace and True Value and probably most locksmiths have the blanks to make extra keys. The blank number is 3699. Yes, the big box stores can make the keys and they look like the original, but they do not work. This advice is provided by the vendor providing the mailbox locks and keys and several people that have tried to have a duplicate key made at the big box store.

Please place your name on the inside bottom front edge of your mailbox. For security reasons, there are no names on the outside of the boxes.

Locks and keys are the responsibility of the homeowner. Only USPS replacement locks may be installed. The COA has some extra locks that are available to you for $25.00 and include two keys. Submit a maintenance request through MGC.

Any person damaging or drilling into the mailbox housing unit to make a lock fit, will be responsible for the repair or replacement of those units.

Also be aware that the mailbox area is monitored with two security cameras 24/7.

Maintenance Responsibility Matrix

This is a detailed description of who has responsibility for the maintenance and who has the responsibility to pay for the maintenance of specific items. Please see the Maintenance Responsibility Matrix for more information.


There are two types of Copper Tree meetings, the annual COA meeting, and the regular Board of Directors meetings.

Mill Creek Community Association (MCCA)

The Mill Creek Community Association is the management company for the 25 Residential Divisions of detached single-family homes and 21 Condominiums and Town Homes, aka COAs, that make up the MCCA. Their monthly meetings are at the MCCA Building on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 4:00 pm and you are welcome to attend.MCCA is located at:

15524 Country Club Drive Mill Creek, WA 98012
(425) 316-3344

MCCA provides Copper Tree the following for the annual fee:

Monthly Dues

SUHRCO is responsible for collecting all homeowners’ payments for dues, assessments and any other costs charged to a unit or homeowner. All dues are due and payable the first of each month and are determined to be late if received after the 15th of the month. Please see Collection Policy above for more information.

Noise and Offensive Activities

No noxious, illegal, or offensive activity shall be carried on in any home or common element areas. Nor shall anything be done therein which may be or become an annoyance, embarrassment, discomfort, or nuisance to homeowners or render any portion of the community unsanitary, unsightly, offensive, or detrimental to persons occupying any portion of the community. No owner or occupant shall make or permit any disturbing noises that will interfere with the rights, comforts or convenience of any unit owner or occupant. Music devices and TVs must be kept to a moderate volume level with extra consideration used after 10:00 PM. Parties must not be loud and boisterous or create noise which is offensive or disturbing to other residents. If necessary, please request the offending party to correct the issue or report the disturbance to 911. Please do not contact a Board member for resolution.

The Common Elements are for residents only. Any persons not a resident or unknown to the community using the Common Elements will be asked to leave immediately. Guests should be accompanied by a homeowner when occupying the Common Elements.

Excessive vehicle noise from car radios, damaged or add on mufflers, motorcycles, etc. is not allowed. When leaving or arriving home, please turn the “sound system” down and keep it down within the community.

Occupancy Changes

All homeowners leasing or renting their residence must register tenants of the home with the SUHRCO within 30 days of the signing of the tenant’s lease/rental agreement. Please be aware that there is a rental cap on the number of units that can be rented out and there is also a six-month leasing requirement (no short-term rentals) per the CC&Rs.


The Copper Tree COA will paint all Common Element Exterior Surfaces during the normal paint schedule. Any surface that is not the standard Copper Tree paint color scheme will, at the homeowner’s option, be painted using the standard Copper Tree paint color scheme or painted by the homeowner using the ACC approved paint color. All COA contractors will only paint Common Element exterior surfaces using the standard Copper Tree paint color scheme.

Common Element exterior surfaces that need paint outside of the normal painting schedule will be painted at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will determine the responsible party to paint outside of the normal paint schedule. Normally, the COA will paint Common Element exterior surfaces outside of the normal schedule if damaged by weather, an accident, or a non-occupant.

Copper Tree has standardized the paint colors and quality standards for the exterior siding, trim, front doors, and walkways of all units. If you want to do your own touch up at a time other than the normally scheduled paint maintenance, you can purchase the paints at the Sherwin Williams store identified below. Just mention Copper Tree for a list of the available colors. Sherwin Williams is located at:

202 164th St SW Suite D Lynnwood, WA 98087
(425) 742-4194

Paint colors are on the back of the Copper Tree Telephone Directory.

 Common Element Exterior Surfaces

The homeowner may paint some exterior items a different color with ACC approval. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to perform the painting and to maintain the painted surface. The maintenance responsibility remains with the unit and must be noted to any new purchaser of the unit.

These items become the responsibility of the homeowner if modified:


Each Unit shall have the exclusive right to use the driveway in front of their Unit, which serves only their Unit, to park operable cars and small trucks (defined as vehicles which fit into the Owner’s garage). Vehicles which advertise any service or product, or which are used for any commercial purpose and cannot fit into the garage may not be parked in any area including a driveway.

All vehicles must be registered within the Owner's Profile in MyGreenCondo (make, model, year, color, and license).

Under no circumstance may recreational vehicles be parked anywhere within Copper Tree, nor shall any inoperative or improperly licensed vehicle, or any unsightly vehicle, or any other equipment or items be parked or stored in driveways or parking spaces.

Guest parking spots are for the exclusive use of Copper Tree Guests. Unit Owners, Tenants or other occupants are not permitted to park in these spaces without written permission from the Board of Directorys. The Board of Directors currently allows for the rental of Common Element Parking Spaces on a limited basis. Current rental fees are $50 per month per vehicle. Vehicles renting a space will receive a parking permit identifying the vehicle as properly registered to park in the guest spaces. Unregistered vehicles and/or vehicles without a Visitor Parking Permit parked in the visitor space will be in violation of the governing documents and may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

Visitors and/or contractors working on a unit may temporarily park their vehicles on the street between the hours of 7 am on weekdays or 8 am on weekends and by 9 pm if driveway or guest parking spots are not available. No overnight street parking is allowed. Temporary is defined as the few minutes required to load/unload the vehicle, typically less than 15 minutes.

Pest Control

The COA is responsible for exterior pest control and ensuring barriers to the Common Elements within a structure (crawlspace and attic areas) are in place and sufficient to eliminate rodent and large pest intrusions.

The COA pays for a pest control service and the service will place appropriate traps and pest reduction elements outside the units, including the attic and crawlspace. However, if pests are detected within a unit, including the crawlspace and attic, and the barriers are in place and undamaged, the homeowner is responsible for the pest control activities.

Due to Copper Tree's proximity to the Mill Creek Association’s Private Nature Preserve, we are susceptible to rodent infestations and household pests. Each homeowner must be aware of the following:

It is not within the scope of the COA to control any of the above practices, and it is not the responsibility of the COA to eradicate the problems, except in the case of carpenter ants and termites which threaten the very structure of the buildings.


No feeding of “wildlife” in Copper Tree. Wildlife can be squirrels, birds, racoons, etc.


Pet owners are responsible for their pets. Owners shall take the care required to ensure that the pet does not disturb other residents. No exotic pets, reptiles or livestock are permitted in the community. At no time shall any animal be allowed to roam loose outside the limits of any lot on which they are kept.

Pocket Decks

The decks, over the garages of units 11-29 and commonly referred to as “Pocket Decks,” are covered with a membrane to protect the wood under it to protect the integrity of the beams that supports a specific unit. The COA is responsible for replacing the membrane as long as it is maintained by the unit owner and not damaged by the unit owner. It is the responsibility of the unit owner to:


There are several publications for the City of Mill Creek and MCCA that help keep you informed of the news and activities for the area. Here are a few:

Renting of Units

The COA has a rental cap on the number of units that can rented or leased at one time. Any Owner wishing to rent out or lease a unit, must receive Board of Director approval prior to advertising the unit for rent or lease.

Timesharing, Airbnb, VRBO or other similar services, or short-term rentals less than 6 months are not allowed without Board of Director approval. Under no circumstances will rental periods be less than three (3) months.

No owner shall lease out a unit until the owner or related person has continuously occupied the unit as a primary residence for at least six (6) months after the unit owner has taken ownership.

The homeowner is responsible for obtaining all required and necessary documents, payments and tenant information including the names, ages, telephone numbers, email addresses and employment of the tenant(s) residing in the Unit. Furthermore, the Homeowner must also obtain the identification of all pets and all vehicles, which then must be provided to the SUHRCO

Roof/Gutter Cleaning

Thanks to the beautiful trees in and around Copper Tree, the roofs and gutters are cleaned annually. Additionally, moss treatment is sometimes required on the roofs. This service is provided by the COA and usually happens in early to mid-November for all units and select units.  Additional cleaning or treatment is handled on an as needed basis.  

Rules of Enforcement

The purpose of these procedures is to provide a mechanism to alleviate repeated and grievous rule violations. A homeowner or tenant may be assessed a fine for violation of the COA Guidelines as now existing or hereafter adopted, amended, or supplemented.

The penalties shall be assessed as follows:


MCCA provides “limited” security for MCCA. A security vehicle tours the area on a regular schedule. If you are going to be gone for an extended period, you may contact MCCA Security, and they will check your residence daily. They will also contact you if your garage door is left open in the evening. MCCA Security can be reached at 425-328-0035. There is no fee for this service as it is included in the fee Copper Tree pays to MCCA annually.

If your vehicle cannot be parked in the garage overnight, then it is highly advisable to make sure all doors are locked, and windows closed as we have experienced car prowlers in the past.


Owners may display signs for advertising Units for sale or lease, or regarding candidates for public or COA office, or ballot issues, on or within a Unit or Limited Common Element, subject to rules adopted by the Board of Directors governing the time, place, size, number, and manner of those displays. Displays are not allowed in the Common Elements. All such signage must be removed upon sale of property, or upon the conclusion of vote or event.


The COA has determined that smoking of tobacco, marijuana, or any other substance constitutes an offensive activity that is harmful to the residents and visitors of Copper Tree. Smoking shall include vaping, or any other airborne means of distributing nicotine or other substances. Smoking is hereby prohibited throughout the Common Elements. Each owner shall be responsible for the compliance with this prohibition by the unit owner and for all tenants and occupants, whether permanent or temporary, and by all guests, employees, and invitees thereof.

Speed Limit

The speed limit in Copper Tree is 15 mph.


Copper Tree has a contract with a towing company to remove unauthorized vehicles from the premisis.  Fines are set by the towing company and they are steep, so please obey the parking rules. Copper Tree does not receive any money from the towing Company

The current contract towing company is:
Mary’s Towing
13303 Highway 99
Everett, WA 98204

Only Board members can authorize towing.


Garbage and recycling are picked up by Waste Management every Thursday with some holiday and weather exceptions. Containers are to be returned to the storage site within 24 hours of pickup and stored properly between pickup days and are to be stored in an area not directly in view from streets and neighboring properties. Loose trash is to be kept in the respective containers and not directly in view from streets and neighboring properties. Containers are to be out no sooner than the day before the scheduled pickup. Waste Management observes three annual holidays: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day (December 25), and New Year's Day (January 1). All other holidays will not affect your collection schedule. Weekday holidays will delay collection by one day for the remainder of the week.


The following Utility companies serve Copper Tree:  

For Service initiation, interruption, or cancelation, please contact the utility directly.  Utilities will bill directly to the homeowners or occupant.  

For COA construction projects (not routine maintenance such as landscape watering), homeowners may need, as required, to provide electrical and/or water service to the contractor.  The use of your utilities on a maintenance project has a minimal impact on your utility bill. In most cases you will not be able to determine if any utility was used.


All vehicles belonging to unit owners or tenants must be registered with the SUHRCO. Registration includes make, model, year, license plate number, and state of plate for all vehicles and the appropriate contact information. Vehicles not properly licensed, not in good working order (covered vehicles are considered not in good working order or abandoned), or with flat tires will be towed immediately at the expense of the car owner. No vehicle repairs or vehicle maintenance activities are allowed in Copper Tree. The Copper Tree Board of Directors recognizes there may be an occasional need to cover a vehicle and will consider an exemption.

Violations and Complaint Procedures

Any violations you wish to report should be in writing and sent to the Property Manager using their Contact Information and copies will be provided to the Board. All communications will be confidential.

The Property Manager and the Board of Directors will investigate the violation and if the complaint is substantiated will, at their discretion, issue notice to the violating party, who will be subject to the rules of enforcement.

Any owner may request to speak to the Board of Directors or Property Management Company at any time to explain the circumstances regarding said violation.

An appeal may be made by any person against whom action has been taken by the Board of Directors or Property Manager. Such appeal shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors in the care of the Property Manager no later than five (5) days after such action or decision. The appeal shall set forth in full the reasons why the Board of Directors should reconsider its decision or action. The Board of Directors shall respond in writing to such appeal no later than fifteen (15) days after receipt of said appeal.

Visitor Parking

There are 18 designated spaces for guests and visitors, so there is no need to park on the street. Visitor Parking should be exclusively used for guests, vendors, and visitors. Visitor parking is not “long term” parking. If you have a long-term guest, please contact SUHRCO for either permission to park or for short term rental of a spot. Long term is defined as more than a day or two. Visitor Parking Permits must be on cars parked in a visitor space overnight.

Water Meters

The repair of water leaks between the meter and the unit is the responsibility of Copper Tree COA unless damaged by the unit owner, their guest, tenant, or contractor working for the unit.

Yard Waste

A convenient service offered by the Copper Tree Landscape Maintenance contractor is their pick-up of yard waste the tenant may have. As with most things, there are guidelines.

Tenants can leave virtually any yard waste for pickup by the landscapers on Wednesdays.  It can be loose or in a lawn recycle bag that can be purchased from big box stores.

Here are some examples of yard waste: leaves, weeds, flowers, roots, grass clippings, shrubbery, and small tree trimmings/branches.

This is a great service from the lawn maintenance vendor, please do not abuse it.